Dental Hygiene Services
Getting naturally whiter teeth has never been easier than having your teeth whitened by Kristina Parker using Zoom whitening technology. Call Kristina Parker Dental Hygiene today to book your teething whitening appointment.
Services that are offered by a certified dental hygienist have the same insurance coverage that you would receive at your dentist’s office…the only difference is that the dental hygiene services such as sealants and dental cleanings tend to be a lower cost when done through a dental hygiene clinic such as Kristina Parker Dental Hygiene.
Teeth Whitening
Our newest teeth whitening service includes the ZOOM Professional Teeth Whitening system. You will get ZOOM take home kits with custom whitening tray. This is a safe and effective way to whiten your teeth at a reasonable cost and at your own pace with the option of Day White which is 2 applications per day of 30 minutes each time or the Nite White product which is a 4 hour application which many people use over night.
Custom Sportsguards
A very important preventive measure that all athletes involved in high risk sports should wear.
Proform or a generic brand of material is used to accurately fit all mouths including teeth with braces.
Custom sports guards are made on the premises using material that is 4mm in thickness which is regulation thickness for most high risk sports.
I also provide this service at local sports facilities if you have a group that is interested. Plus, there are many colours to choose from.
The benefits of a custom made sports guard are as follows:
- Allows athletes to breathe during competition and enhances performance.
- Professional fit, very comfortable.
- With proper care, the sports guard can be used for more than a year.
- Consistent thickness to increase protection performance.
- Allows for better speech and communication.
- Acts as a shock absorber
- Protects the teeth and gums
- Reduce the incidence of concussion
Dental Cleaning
Our Dental Cleanings now include a NEW PRODUCT…Oraqix which is a non-injectable anesthetic for a pain free dental experience!
Dental Sealants
Dental sealants have been used and have been proven to be effective since the 1970s.
They are a preventative service that is very cost effective. The chewing surfaces of the molar and premolar teeth have grooves called “fissures” that can be deep, difficult to clean, and can be narrower than even a single bristle of a toothbrush.
A hard plastic varnish coating is placed on these deep fissures providing a smooth surface which helps protect the teeth from decay.
All services are available within a dental hygienist scope of practice.
It is patient driven and customized to each individual based on your values and beliefs.
Oral Health Presentations to Community Groups
This is a 1 hour interactive and informative presentation for young children to bring about awareness and the importance of oral health care.
I have been offering this service for 2 years and have had positive feedback from the children, their parents and the adults who have attended the presentation.
This service is offered to any community group such as public schools, church groups (Sunday school), Brownies and Cubs. It is a fun and upbeat presentation that gets children interested and excited about being healthy.
I believe that the best way to form healthy habits is to start at a young age.
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